Let's setup new detector in FCCSW

Overview of the Full simulation

Juraj Smieško


Kick-Off Workshop on Detector Optimisation and Benchmarking for FCC-ee

23 June 2022


  • Set of software packages, tools, and standards to help different FCC studies work together
  • Based on Key4HEP
    • Common software for FCC, CLIC/ILC and CEPC
  • Key features:
    • Data processing framework: Gaudi
    • Event data model: EDM4hep
    • Detector description: DD4hep
    • Software distribution: Spack
Typical HEP Software stack source: Graeme A Stewart


  • Mostly Key4HEP algorithms combined into several stages
  • Data exchange governed by EDM4hep
  • Analysis framework: FCCAnalyses
    • RDataFrame based
    • Can read EDM4hep files
  • Stack is hosted on CVMFS
  • Much more detail: FCC Tutorials

Detector description

  • The detector geometry is described with help of DD4hep
  • The detector is described in series (tree) of XML files
  • XML Schema defined by LCSim
  • To instantiate the detector in the memory functions need to be created
  • All FCC detectors implemented so far are collected in FCCDetectors repository
  • CLIC/ILC detectors are implemented in lcgeo

Detector description

Fragment from main CLD compact file

Detector description

Fragment from FCCee noble liquid calorimeter file

Detector Visualization

geoDisplay: LAr based detector

source: Jana Faltova

Detector Visualization

Phoenix: DD4hep compact file converted to glTF

WIP: Event data conversion



  • Other possibility is to use ddsim
  • Splits the workflow
  • Used by CLD
  • EDM4hep allows to crosscheck the two approaches
    Determination of LAr upstream correction using DDSim


  • FCCSW stack is Key4HEP based
  • Detectors are described in dd4hep
  • We see advantages in having one processing framework
  • Work on visualization tools underway
  • Come talk to us: Main page, Forum, Tutorials