Set of common software packages, tools, and standards for
different Detector concepts
Common for FCC, CLIC/ILC, CEPC, EIC, …
Individual participants can mix and match their stack
Main ingredients:
Data processing framework:
Event data model:
Detector description:
Software distribution:
Data processing framework
- Stitches and steers various algorithms together
- Controls event loop
- Manages transient storage and I/O
Used by live experiments: ATLAS, LHCb
Allows concurrency, new developments:
Key4hep started life by attempting to reuse algorithms
already developed
- Need for convertors/wrappers:
k4MarlinWrapper, k4CLUE, k4Pandora, …
Hello World in Gaudi:
Running the Reconstruction
Multiple possibilities how to run:
As part of the larger steering
- Input from: k4SimGeant4, k4SimDelphes
As a separate step
In both cases I/O needs to be handled (PODIO)
- Reading event data from in EDM4HEP ROOT files
- LCIO Conversion: k4LCIOReader
Algorithms developed for Marlin needs to be wrapped
Detector description and instantiation is done with DD4hep
- Easiest way to access the stack is from CVMFS:
The digitization could be done as
- Last simulation step
- First step of reconstruction
Detector specific, two main EDM4HEP datatypes
SimTrackerHit, SimCalorimeterHit
- Simple approach in case of k4RecCalorimeter: Sum hit in a cell
More involved solutions in MarlinReco
Recent highlight: Effort to add generic digitization components
into DD4hep (DDDigi)
- Recent highlight: Conversion
of DDPlanarDigiProcessor
Work on integrating ACTS into the Key4hep underway
- State-of-the-art track reconstruction
- Project was spawned from tracking code of ATLAS
- The Key4hep wrapper: k4ActsTracking
Recent highlights:
- Seamless loading of FCC detector models
- Inclusion of EIC framework components
- Available as Marlin processors:
- Conformal tracking
- Clupatra
- ForwardTracking for the FTD
CLUE: CLUstering of Energy
- Intergrated in Key4hep as k4CLUE
- Uses energy density to define ranking, seeding
thresholds, …
LAr Calorimeter Reconstruction: k4RecCalorimeter
- Sliding Window and TopoCluster based algorithms
- Algorithm developed in proto Key4hep environment
Other Reconstruction algorithms
Through Marlin Wrapper are available also:
- LCFIPlus for vertexing and flavour tagging
- FastJet for jet clustering
- KinematicFitting
- Particle ID
- Conditions
- ACTS is also capable of vertexing
Higher level reconstruction
- PandoraPFA is a prime candidate for the integration in k4Pandora
- It integrates multitude of pattern recognition algorithms
- Developed for reimplementation of PFA at future e+e- linear
- Ongoing efforts revolve around developing a direct Gaudi
wrapper k4Pandora or use of two existing ones
- Recent highlight: Dummy clustering achieved in
Example: LAr calorimeter
- Sampling Calorimeter based on LAr/LKr + Pb/W
- Simulation/Reconstruction fully steered in Gaudi
Several Gaudi based algorithms include
- Sampling fraction determination
- Upstream/Downstream energy correction
- Adding noise to Calo Cells
- Clustering: Sliding Window or TopoCluster based
Example: CLD
- Uses DDSim to simulate events
- Heavy use of the converters
The reconstruction consists of
- Background Overlay, Digitization
- Track Pattern Reconstruction (ConformalTracking), track fit
- Particle Flow Reconstruction (PandoraPFA)
- Vertexing and Flavour Tagging (LCFIplus)
- Full CLD reconstruction in gaudi
- Input and output are in EDM4hep
The reconstruction for the future colliders is slowly taking shape
Mostly thanks to the ability to integrate specialized projects
k4MarlinWrapper helps to bridge transitional period
Future algorithms have well defined environment to count on
Effort required to port reconstruction of already existing
detector concepts to Key4hep
Reconstruction with Key4hep I
Key4hep: Gaudi, EDM4hep, DD4hep, Spack
Key4hep has ability to integrate other advanced reconstruction
k4MarlinWrapper helps to bridge transitional period
- DDMarlinPandora, LCFIPlus, ConformalTracking, …
Integration of large frameworks underway
- K4CLUE, k4Pandora, k4ActsTracking
Effort required to port reconstruction of already existing
detector concepts to Key4hep
Reconstruction with Key4hep II
LAr Calorimeter
- Sampling Calorimeter based on LAr/LKr + Pb/W
- Simulation/Reconstruction fully steered in Gaudi
Several Gaudi based algorithms include
- Sampling fraction determination
- Upstream/Downstream energy correction
- Adding noise to Calo Cells
- Clustering: Sliding Window or TopoCluster based
- Uses DDSim to simulate events
- Heavy use of the converters
The reconstruction consists of
- Background Overlay, Digitization
- Track Pattern Reconstruction (ConformalTracking), track fit
- Particle Flow Reconstruction (PandoraPFA)
- Vertexing and Flavour Tagging (LCFIplus)
- Full CLD reconstruction in gaudi
- Input and output are in EDM4hep