Set of common software packages, tools, and standards for
different Detector concepts
Common for FCC, CLIC/ILC, CEPC, EIC, …
Individual participants can mix and match their stack
Main ingredients:
Data processing framework:
Event data model:
Detector description:
Software distribution:
Analysis scope
- Takes reconstructed objects and produces physics results
- The objects are described in EDM4hep format
- Input datasets are usually centrally produced
- Access to the detector description
- Needs to accommodate different analysis strategies
- Runs locally and on Batch/Grid
Ecosystem I.
The physics analyses at FCC are spread through two repositories and a
storage space:
- Repository of common tools and algorithms
- General analysis code in analyzers
- Steering of the analysis (RDataFrame)
- Access to the (meta)data
- Running over large datasets / on batch
- (Proto)package machinery for case studies
- Main place for the abstracts
- Contains very specific analysis code
- Or prototypes of tools of common interest to be
eventually moved to FCCAnalysis
- (Proto)package repository
Storage space on EOS /eos/experiment/fcc
Ecosystem II.
Supporting repositories:
Describes processing of data as actions on table columns
The actions are instantly or lazily evaluated
Multi threading is available out of the box
Optimized for bulk processing
The analysis is build around
ROOT RDataFrame
with rich "standard library"
Over the years this library (analyzers) have been written
Analyzers are usually structs which operate on EDM4hep objects
Optional dependencies for analyzers can be FastJet, DD4hep, ACTS
and ONNX
Dataset metadata are loaded from remote location --- AFS/HTTP server
Number of events generated, cross-section, ...
Python used for steering, but not necessary
- One can write analysis in pure C++
FCCAnalyses library
- Vertexing
- ACTS vertex finder
- Event variables
- Calorimeter hit/cluster variables
- Reconstructed/MC particle operations
- Flavour tagging
- Jet clustering/constituents
The analysis is divided into three stages:
analysis_stage1.py, ... — pre-selection stages,
analysis dependent, usually runs on batch
analysis_final.py — final selection, produces final variables
analysis_plots.py — produces plots from histograms/TTrees
The stages files contain objects which are loaded into "main"
function with the help of getattr()
The first stage reads the data in EDM4hep format
Running on batch is done by running on-the-fly generated shell
script in subprocess
Proto packages
case-studies machinery allows to create (semi)independent analysis
Example analysis is split into several locations:
- Analysis stages are in examples in FCCAnalyses
- Abstract and Results in case-studies in FCCeePhysicsPerformance
- Benchmarks are in tests in FCCAnalyses
- Analysis specific code in case-studies in FCCeePhysicsPerformance
Areas to improve II.
Nice to have:
- Error signaling
- Testing and reorganization of the analyzers
- Long term reproducibility
- Benchmarking covering all analyzers and analyses
Main use cases
- Detector description in DD4hep format
- Combination of C++ and XML
- Conversion available to:
- Can be viewed in:
- geoDisplay, Geant4, JSROOT, Phoenix
- Events could come from different sources in EDM4hep format
- Full simulation: Pythia
- Fast simulation: Delphes
- Simple particle gun
- Storage formats:
- Viewers:
Web based visualization
Visualize events and detectors
Using web based tools
- Independent of OS graphics
Phoenix: Detector independent event display
- Developed under HSF
- Written in TypeScript
- Static application
- Part of the ROOT project
- Offers possibility to work with ROOT files on the web
Phoenix workflow
- Separate event data and detector description
- Described in EDM4hep
event data format
- Convert ROOT files into JSON files
- EDM4hep data structure is kept
- Detector is described in
DD4hep compact files
- Convert XML into ROOT for JSROOT
- Convert ROOT into glTF for Phoenix
Conclusions & Outlook
- Choice of ROOT RDataFrame in combination with reading EDM4hep
format suits most of the analyses
- Continually growing list of analyses
- Large "standard library" is being build up
- Rigidity of the framework starts to limit more complex analyses
- Several ways of visualizing event data and detector geometry
readily available
- Necessity of bridging the gap between the FCC stack and the
graphic subsystem of the OS