ALLEGRO migration to ddsim

Juraj Smieško


FCC Detector Full Sim Working Meeting

06 December 2023

DDSim vs. K4SimGeant4

FCC Study Report: One simulation tool to rule them all


  • Part of DD4hep (able to compartmentalize subdetectors)
  • Wrapping around Geant4 — Geant4 controls event loop
  • Configured with standalone Python steering
  • Used by multiple experiments (including currently running ones)
  • Larger feature set


  • Set of Gaudi algorithms
  • Event loop controlled by Gaudi
  • Ability to be integrated into large Gaudi steerings
  • Uses DD4hep to compartmentalize subdetectors

Simulation details

DDSim + digitization algorithms from k4SimGeant4


particle gun + k4SimGeant4 Geant4 Gaudi algorithm and digitization

  • No changes to the k4SimGeant4 algorithms
    • geantservice.physicslist = "SimG4FtfpBert"
    • geantservice.g4PreInitCommands += ["/run/setCut 0.1 mm"]
  • Default DDSim steering
    • SIM.physicsList = None
    • SIM.physics.list = "FTFP_BERT"
    • SIM.physics.rangecut = 0.7
  • Compact files from FCCDetectors
  • Number of events:
    • electron @ 50 GeV: 10k
    • pion @ 50 GeV: 10k


Geant4 Output

Electron @ 50 GeV

ECal Hits

Electron @ 50 GeV

ECal Hit Contributions

Electron @ 50 GeV

ECal Cells

Electron @ 50 GeV

ECal Positioned cells

Electron @ 50 GeV

ECal Cluster

Electron @ 50 GeV

ECal Corr. cluster

Pion @ 50 GeV

ECal Hits

Pion @ 50 GeV

ECal Hit Contributions

Pion @ 50 GeV

ECal Cells

Pion @ 50 GeV

ECal Positioned cells

Pion @ 50 GeV

ECal Cluster

Pion @ 50 GeV

ECal Corr. cluster


Electron @ 50 GeV

HCal Hits

Electron @ 50 GeV

HCal Hit Contributions

Electron @ 50 GeV

HCal Cells

Pion @ 50 GeV

HCal Hits

Pion @ 50 GeV

HCal Hit Contributions

Pion @ 50 GeV

HCal Cells

Conclusions / Open questions

  • Running DDSim with default settings will get you close
  • Investigate sensitive actions
  • Differences in simulation settings?
    • Step length? Filters? Mag. field?
  • Effects of hit deduplication?
  • Can we drop positioning tools?