Inspecting EDM4hep Files

Juraj Smieško


FCC Software Meeting

CERN, 25 Sep 2023


  • Set of common software packages, tools, and standards for different Detector concepts
  • Common for FCC, CLIC/ILC, CEPC, EIC, …
  • Individual participants can mix and match their stack
  • Main ingredients:
    • Data processing framework: Gaudi
    • Event data model: EDM4hep
    • Detector description: DD4hep
    • Software distribution: Spack

EDM4hep I.

Describes event data in a set of standard objects and relationships between them

  • Specification in a single YAML file
  • Strives to be minimal
  • Based on LCIO and FCC-edm

EDM4hep II.

Example object:

#------------- SimCalorimeterHit
  Description: "Simulated calorimeter hit"
  Author: "F.Gaede, DESY"
    - uint64_t cellID       //ID of the sensor that created this hit
    - float energy                    //energy of the hit in [GeV].
    - edm4hep::Vector3f position      //position of the hit in world coordinates in [mm].
    - edm4hep::CaloHitContribution contributions  //Monte Carlo step contribution - parallel to particle
  • Current version: v0.10.0
  • Warning: Policies how to save event data into datamodel in flux
  • Objects can be extended / new created
  • Bi-weekly discussion: Indico


Generates Event Data Model and serves as I/O Layer

  • Generates EDM from YAML files
  • I/O machinery consists of three layers
    • POD Layer - arrays of the actual data structures
    • Object Layer - handles the relations
    • User Layer - handles to the EDM objects
  • Supports multiple backends:
    • ROOT, SIO
  • Current version: 0.17.0

Podio: Recent Changes


  • Frame is a container aggregating all relevant data
  • Defines an interval of validity / category for contained data
    • Event, Run, readout frame, &dots;
  • Thread safe interface

Schema evolution

  • Introduces visioning to the Collection types
  • Handles changes between different versions
  • Evolution always to latest version

More details: T. Madlener

FCCAnalyses Datasets

Plethora of processes are pre-generated and available from EOS



15:32:16 [jsmiesko@fcc-ironic-02 metadata]$ podio-dump -h
usage: podio-dump [-h] [-c CATEGORY] [-e ENTRIES] [-d] [--dump-edm DUMP_EDM] [--version] inputfile

Dump contents of a podio file to stdout

positional arguments:
  inputfile             Name of the file to dump content from

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CATEGORY, --category CATEGORY
                        Which Frame category to dump
  -e ENTRIES, --entries ENTRIES
                        Which entries to print. A single number, comma separated list of numbers or
                        "first:last" for an inclusive range of entries. Defaults to the first entry.
  -d, --detailed        Dump the full contents not just the collection info
  --dump-edm DUMP_EDM   Dump the specified EDM definition from the file in yaml format
  --version             show program's version number and exit

11:27:15 [jsmiesko@fcc-ironic-02 metadata]$ podio-dump -e 1 output_fullCalo_SimAndDigi.root
input file: output_fullCalo_SimAndDigi.root

datamodel model definitions stored in this file: edm4hep

Frame categories in this file:
Name                 Entries
metadata             1
events               2
configuration_metadata 1

#################################### events 1 ####################################
Name                       ValueType                  Size  ID
-------------------------  -----------------------  ------  --------
CaloClusters               edm4hep::Cluster              1  706db4eb
CorrectedCaloClusters      edm4hep::Cluster              1  38fde31e
ECalBarrelCells            edm4hep::CalorimeterHit      80  269139f6
ECalBarrelPositionedCells  edm4hep::CalorimeterHit      80  65cb8aec
ECalEndcapCells            edm4hep::CalorimeterHit       0  55d4e559
GenParticles               edm4hep::MCParticle           1  0bcf5f90

Name    Type    Elements
------  ------  ----------

  • Lists collections from a frame
  • Can dump all the event details
  • Compatible only with winter2023



13:28:43 [jsmiesko@fcc-ironic-02 metadata]$ edm4hep2json -h
Usage: edm4hep2json [olenfvh] FILEPATH
  -o/--out-file           output file path
                            default: "?edm4hep.root" --> ".edm4hep.json"
  -l/--coll-list          comma separated list of collections to be converted
  -e/--events             comma separated list of events to be processed
  -n/--nevents            maximal number of events to be processed
  -f/--frame-name         input frame name
                            default: "events"
  -v/--verbose            be more verbose
  -h/--help               show this help message
  • Dumps all requested collections to a formatted JSON file
  • Outputted JSON file can be visualized in Phoenix
  • MC Particle tree can be investigated with dmX
  • Compatible only with winter2023



13:33:46 [jsmiesko@fcc-ironic-02 Podio (main=)]$ ./collInfo /eos/experiment/fcc/ee/generation/DelphesEvents
ID   Name                     Type
 1   MissingET                edm4hep::ReconstructedParticleCollection    
 2   MCRecoAssociations       edm4hep::ReconstructedParticleCollection    
 3   ParticleIDs              edm4hep::ReconstructedParticleCollection    
 4   magFieldBz               edm4hep::ReconstructedParticleCollection    
 5   TrackerHits              edm4hep::MCRecoParticleAssociationCollection
 6   EFlowTrack               edm4hep::ParticleIDCollection               
 7   CalorimeterHits          podio::UserDataCollection            
 8   Particle                 edm4hep::TrackerHitCollection               
 9   Photon                   edm4hep::TrackCollection                    
10   EFlowTrack_L             edm4hep::CalorimeterHitCollection           
11   Electron                 edm4hep::MCParticleCollection               
12   EFlowPhoton              edm4hep::ClusterCollection                  
13   EFlowNeutralHadron       edm4hep::ReconstructedParticleCollection    
14   Jet                      podio::UserDataCollection            
15   ReconstructedParticles   edm4hep::ReconstructedParticleCollection    
16   Muon                     edm4hep::ClusterCollection                  
  • Dumps collection ID, name and type in "events" frame
  • Lives in FCC AuxTools
  • Compatible with spring2021 and winter2023


  • EDM4hep files can be inspected by several tools
    • podio-dump, collInfo, edm4hep2json
  • Improvements needed toward visualization of collection relations
  • Not all parts of FCCSW stack fully utilize PODIO
    • FCCAnalyses — uses only POD Layer
  • EDM4hep will need changes for FCC full simulation
  • Policies how to save event data into datamodel in flux


Compatibility table

stable nightlies
Spring 2021 x x
Winter 2023 y y
stable nightlies
Spring 2021 x x
Winter 2023 x y

More details: key4hep/EDM4hep #228

stable nightlies
Spring 2021 y y
Winter 2023 y y