Upcoming Key4hep Release
Highlight: Support for the frame I/O in Podio/EDM4hep
Will include also:
FCC detectors migrated to the k4Geo
Gaudi::Functional — new way to write algorithms
New repository for native Gaudi reconstruction algorithms:
Event info in EventHeader
Improved k4run
Issue to coordinate the release:
Upcoming Key4hep Release
Heads up:
- The old EDM4hep files might not be working properly when
loaded into Gaudi steering
Legacy support provided
will also provide automatic switching when reading)
Reading of FCCAnalyses pre-generated samples should not be affected
Inspecting of the files tricky, solutions can be found
Handling of the metadata changed
(example PR#41)
Deprecated lcdd and other updates to GeoSvc
For the FCC-ee related algorithms we started implementing
breaking changes for the Gaudi steering
(example PR#53)
FCCAnalyses release 0.8.0 is the last one to support running of
the analysis with:
python python/FCCAnalysis.py ana_script.py
FCCAnalyses Verbosity Levels
Synchronizing RDataFrame verbosity levels with FCCAnalyses
RDataFrame has no output + three verbose levels:
multi-thread related information
Also dumps JITed code
FCCAnalyses itself now prints using Python logging
Three verbosity levels (-v, -vv,
-vvv) can be specified from the command line:
More details in
FCCAnalyses EDM4hep Source
Offers possibility to work with fully fledged EDM4hep objects
Tested with the CLD fullsim
Currently investigating how the saving of the intermediate results
might work
Development done in
Documentation & Platforms
There are several sources of documentation
Key4hep nightlies are build for three OSes:
- CentOS 7, AlmaLinux 9 and Ubuntu 22.04