Analysis and Event Visualization at FCC

Juraj Smieško (CERN)

SFT Group Meeting

CERN, 3 June 2024

About me

Townhall in Rajec, SK

Comenius Uni. in Bratislava + Slovak Academy of Sciences

  • Intrinsic Charm in Proton (PhD)
    • Measured in γ+c-jet
    • Spend some time in JINR Dubna every year
  • Tile Calorimeter
    • DQ Web Tools

Charles University in Prague

  • Software for FCC LAr ECal concept
  • Run coordinator for TileCal

FCCAnalyses Overview

Analysis framework build on top of ROOT RDataFrame
with input from EDM4hep

  • Dependent on Key4hep Stack
  • Manages input samples
  • Has standard library of functions/closures
  • Runs the dataframe
  • Helps with histograms/plots
  • Registry for the analyses

FCCAnalyses script

  • Typical analysis divided into several stages
  • Results between stages stored in ROOT files
  • Running of the script with: fccanalysis run


FCCAnalyses is tied to the Key4hep stack

  • Distributed as a Spack package
  • Key4hep environment needed for running
  • EDM4hep objects read directly from ROOT files
  • Building from source expects Key4hep
  • People pin their analysis to the particular stack version

Input samples

FCCAnalyses manages input ROOT files for the user

  • Analysis operates on named samples (by process name)
  • Pre-generated samples identified with production tag
  • Registry of available samples available at FCC Physics Events website
  • Local samples require input directory path
  • Process dictionary allows further parameters: fraction, chunks, ...


Collection of standard functions/closures

  • Users define their dataframe in a class method
  • Output variables registered in a list
  • Additional analyzers JIT compiled

Running of the RDF

Execution of the dataframe hidden from the user

  • User can affect how the dataframe runs with global attributes
  • Analysis can run locally or on HTCondor


Last two stages of the analysis

  • User specifies output histograms
  • Histograms are combined into plots

Analysis registry

Central registry for the FCC-ee analyses

  • In the repository FCCeePhysicsPerformance FCCee analyses are listed
  • Experimental: One can create analysis package for analysis specific code

Some observations about RDF

  • RDataFrame feels restricted by the FCCAnalyses
  • Vast majority of users expects Pythonic interface
  • Some people miss access to the event loop
  • Bulk processing not very user-friendly for function/closure development
  • Definition of multiple variables not possible
  • Powerful abstraction which well describes the analysis

FCC Analysis Graph


  • Static web application
    • Independent of OS graphics stack
    • Written in TypeScript/Angular
  • Developed under HSF
  • Detector Geometry provided centrally
    • DD4hep Compact → ROOT → glTF
  • Event data provided by user
    • EDM4hep → JSON


  • Visualization of event data structure
  • Uses Canvas API (2D graphics)
  • Collection elements represented as info boxes
Data model explorer

Pythia 8 | ee → ZH @ 240 GeV