Event Visualization and FCCAnalyses Cheatsheet

Juraj Smieško (CERN)

FCC Week

10--14 June 2024

San Francisco, USA


Over the years many nice event visualization tools developed

  • Tools living in or cooperating with the Key4hep ecosystem:
    • CED: OpenGL based, originates in iLCSoft
    • ddeve: based on ROOT TEve
    • calodisplay: purpose build visualization tool
    • Phoenix: an experiment independent web-based event display
    • dmX: event data browser
  • Push towards web based tool(s), example: JSROOT
CED Example
DDEve Example


Purpose build TEve based visualization tool

  • Developed to debug LAr geometry
  • Based on ROOT TEve classes
  • Configured with a JSON file
  • Supports 2D and 3D views
calodisplay track

G. Marchiori

calodisplay lar


  • Static web application
    • Independent of OS graphics stack
    • Written in TypeScript/Angular
  • Developed under HSF
  • Detector Geometry provided centrally
    • DD4hep Compact → ROOT → glTF
  • Event data provided by user
    • EDM4hep → JSON
Phoenix example

Phoenix: Event data preparation

EDM4hep from ROOT file needs to be exported to JSON



  • Visualizes event data structure
  • Uses Canvas API (2D graphics)
  • Collection elements represented as info boxes
  • ATM: only MCParticle tree
  • Plan to expand it's capabilities to visualize other EDM4hep collections (GSoC student)
Data model explorer

Pythia 8 | ee → ZH @ 240 GeV


Choose your visualization tool accordingly...

  • CED, calodisplay, ddeve, ...
    • Precise geometry
    • Tied to the Key4hep/linux graphics stack
  • Phoenix
    • Web based
    • Geometry provided by the experiment
  • dmX
    • No geometry at all
    • Full access to event data

FCCAnalyses Cheatsheet

FCCAnalyses Poster Part1
FCCAnalyses Poster Part2
FCCAnalyses Poster Part3