Future Circular Collider
Energy and luminosity upgrade in an integrated program
FCC-ee (Z, WW, H, ttbar):
Highest luminosities at Z, W, ZH among
proposed Higgs and EW factories with
indirect discovery potential up to ~ 70 TeV
FCC-hh (~100 TeV):
Direct exploration of next energy frontier (~ x10 LHC)
and unparalleled measurements
Feasibility Status Report in 2025
More than 150 institutes from 30 countries already involved
Ingredients of FCC Physics Software
Set of common software packages, tools, and standards for
different Detector/Collider Concepts
Common effort from FCC, CLIC/ILC, EIC, CEPC, …
Preserves and adapts existing functionanlity from iLCSoft,
Individual participants adjust their stack to their needs
Main ingredients:
Event data model:
Data processing framework:
Detector description:
Software distribution:
Bi-weekly meetings
Don't forget to mention that FCC is main stakeholder in Key4hep.
Describes event data with the set of standard objects
Specification in a single YAML file
Generated with the help of
#------------- CalorimeterHit
Description: "Calorimeter hit"
Author: "EDM4hep authors"
- uint64_t cellID // detector specific (geometrical) cell id
- float energy [GeV] // energy of the hit
- float energyError [GeV] // error of the hit energy
- float time [ns] // time of the hit
- edm4hep::Vector3f position [mm] // position of the hit in world coordinates
- int32_t type // type of hit
Current version: v0.99.0
Approaching version 1.0
Backward compatibility
Objects can be extended / new created
Bi-weekly discussion:
Generates Event Data Model and serves
as I/O Layer
Generates EDM from YAML files
Employs plain-old-data (POD) data structures
I/O machinery consists of three layers
POD Layer - actual data structures
Object Layer - helps resolve the relations
User Layer - full fledged EDM objects
Supports multiple backends:
Current version: 1.0.1
Podio Reader
Constructs the EDM4hep objects for the user
Example usage of Podio Reader in Pyhton:
To inspect contents of the EDM4hep file use:
Battle tested event processing framework
Job of an event processing framework
Stitches and steers various algorithms together
Controls event loop
Manages transient storage and I/O
Used by current experiments: ATLAS, LHCb
New developments: Gaudi::Functional
Key4hep started life by attempting to reuse algorithms
already developed
Need for converters/wrappers:
k4MarlinWrapper, k4CLUE, k4GaudiPandora, …
Selected over Marlin due to MT support
Hello World in Gaudi:
Gaudi was developed quite some time ago and continues to be
developed and actively, see e.g. Gaudi::Functional, used by several
experiments. Most notable are currently running experiments like
ATLAS, LHCb. But there are also some astrophysics related
experiments using it too.
In order to design your reconstruction chain, one needs to create
steering script. In case of the Gaudi it's Python based.
Since a long time ago various reconstruction algorithms and
frameworks were developed. Now the task is to integrate them into a
coherent entity
Package with Key4hep Gaudi components
Provides input and output of files, but also among algorithms
, DataHandle
Main program to run Gaudi steering: k4run
Gaudi Functional allows proper multithreading
LCIO ↔ EDM4hep Converters
Integration of tools developed by linear collider community
wraps Marlin processor in a Gaudi algorithm and allows to run them
LCIO ↔ EDM4hep converters do the conversion on the fly
Detector description
The detector is completely described with the help of
The description itself done by C++ builder and XML compact
Every sub-detector needs specialized C++ builder class
The XML compact files are organized in tree structure,
which allows Plug-and-Play
XML Schema defined by LCSim
Specialized data can be attached to each sub-detector at
Simulation for FCC-ee done with ddsim
standalone simulation executable
All FCC-ee (sub)detectors collected in
repository in /FCCee
FCC-hh baseline detector stayed in
Spack in Key4hep
Package management for supercomputing centers
Distributes software in source form
Every package can have multiple versions and configuration
Strives to not depend on the underlying OS as much as possible
Peace of software is packaged by creating a recipe script
The packages are stored in two repositories
Compiled packages are published on CVMFS
source /cvmfs/sw.hsf.org/key4hep/setup.sh
source /cvmfs/sw-nightlies.hsf.org/key4hep/setup.sh
source /cvmfs/fcc.cern.ch/sw/latest/setup.sh
Event Processing Workflow
Event Processing Workflow
G. Ganis
Theoretical efforts for ee generators is rumping up
Most of the generators already packaged in Key4hep
MadGraph5_aMC@NLO, Pythia6/8, Herwig3, Whizard, BabaYaga,
KKMCee, Guinea-Pig, Sherpa, EvtGen, …
Set of Gaudi algorithms and helpers packaged in
Particle gun, particle filters, vertex smearing,
New effort for unified generator configuration packaged in
Integrated: BabaYaga, KKMC, MadGraph, Pythia, Sherpa,
Any generator outputting established format (HepMC2/3, hepevt,
stdhep, …) can be input for Geant4 simulation with
Prefered formats: HepMC3 and EDM4hep
Ongoing effort to make EDM4hep more suitable for generators
Open topics include: ISR treatment, accuracy, Beam Energy Spread,
crossing angle (+ spread), effect of the beams on final state
Propagation of particles or decay products through detector
Full simulation for FCC-ee detectors using ddsim
(part of DD4hep)
Fast simulation handled by
Framework integration with
and Gaussino
on back burner
Ongoing work on three FCCee detector concepts IDEA, CLD and
ALLEGRO almost complete
Effort now shifting from detector description towards
Digitization and Reconstruction
Bi-weekly meeting, Wed 11:00 AM GVA:
Indico category
Pandora and Key4hep wrapper
Efforts are packaged per sub-detector type, for example
Or per reconstruction solution, e.g.
Some of the ongoing efforts also include
Analysis with FCCAnalyses
Analysis framework build on top of ROOT RDataFrame with
input from EDM4hep
Dependent on Key4hep Stack
Manages input samples
Has standard library of functions/functors
Runs the dataframe
Helps with histograms/plots
Analyses Catalog:
Bi-weekly meeting: Wed 4:00 PM GVA
Explain each of the bullet points in more detail.
ROOT RDataFrame
Describes processing of data as actions on table columns
Defines of new columns
Filter rules
Result definitions (histogram, graph)
The actions are lazily evaluated
Multi threading is available out of the box
Optimized for bulk processing
Allows integration of existing C++ libraries
Developing Key4hep / FCC Software
Access to CVMFS is crucial
Start by sourcing Key4hep stack from CVMFS
Usually, the packages are build with CMake
To make your local version visible in your current shell, run
FCC is main stakeholder in the Key4hep stack project, which is
becoming established stack delivering physics results
Strive for integration and/or interoperability continues
EDM4hep reached version
1.0 — backwards compatibility
from this release
Functional Gaudi on the way
Simulation, FullSim and Recontruction far from complete
Plenty of work ahead of us and
You can join our meetings